Workshop on:
"Switching in Systems and Control"
Featured main speaker:
Prof. Daniel Liberzon
Coordinated Science Laboratory
Additional speaker, and workshop organizer:
Dr. Michael Margaliot
Switched and hybrid
systems provide suitable mathematical models for numerous real world systems
ranging from electrical circuits to Internet protocols. Switched systems also
arise naturally in control schemes that employ switching between several
possible controls laws, which are ubiquitous in adaptive, networked and optimal
This tutorial workshop will examine switched systems from a control-theoretic perspective. The main focus will be on stability analysis and control synthesis of systems that combine continuous dynamics with switching events.
We will start with an introduction to the basic concepts and definitions for hybrid and switched systems. In the analysis part of the workshop, we will develop stability theory for switched systems. Here we will cover single and multiple Lyapunov function methods, stability criteria based on commutation relations, stability under slow switching, and stability of switched systems with useful special structure. Properties beyond traditional stability, such as response to external inputs, will also be covered.
In the design part of the workshop, we will discuss systems for which the logic-based switching paradigm emerges naturally as a control design tool. Specific classes of interest include systems with sensor or actuator constraints (such as quantized feedback systems) and systems with large modeling uncertainty (for which we will present switching adaptive control techniques).
The bulk of the workshop will be presented by Prof. Liberzon. Dr. Margaliot will describe some applications and present a tutorial on the stability analysis of switched systems using optimal control techniques.
workshop language is English.
Bio Sketch for Prof. Liberzon:
Daniel Liberzon was born in the former
He is the author of the book Switching in Systems and Control Birkhauser, 2003) on which this workshop is based (supplemented with several more recent results). Dr. Liberzon received the IFAC Young Author Prize and the NSF CAREER Award, both in 2002, and the Donald P. Eckman Award from the American Automatic Control Council in 2007.
Dr. Liberzon's research interests include nonlinear control theory, analysis and synthesis of switched systems, control with limited information, and uncertain and stochastic systems.
under arbitrary switching
systems with inputs and outputs
12:20-14:00 Lunch break
analysis using the variational approach
adaptive control
See the registration form (in Hebrew), or contact Ms. Mira Aran: for details.
Registration fees are 400 to 450 Shekels (about $100).